
Welcome to the Solanum Project web server, solanum.sourceforge.net. The Solanum Project was launched in 2003 to develop and design a complete driver for LCD-display (MT12232B) which was maden by MELT


21/09/04: Project temporary stopped :(. I think to start it again in December.


The documentation is while avaliable in PDF format.
The HTML-version of documentation of LCD-panel.
The full documentation about SED1520 microcontroller

List archive on the Internet.

Contact Information

        E-Mail: Tommy Tovbin
       		Fedya Mosalov
	Mirror project web: Solanum

Thank you for visiting our site!

Translations of this page:
[ Russian ]

Copyright (C) 2003

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
Updated: $Date: 2004/09/21 $ $Author: tommy $